Sleep is the most important thing we can do for our bodies, but we constantly ruin this panacea for ourselves. I love sleep, but I don’t often get enough of it. I work at night before going to bed, I read a lot, I basically do every single thing I can before bed EXCEPT go to sleep. And now, I’m embarrassed to say, I am even AFRAID of going to sleep! Because my dreams are so weird that I hate being asleep even though it’s the one thing my body needs more than anything. So here are some things I am going to try to do, that I think you should try too. Actually, here are 8 ways you can sleep better so you can have a better time with your sex partner. What’s better than that?
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1. Turn the electronics off. If you absolutely have to look at your screens, turn their orange nighttime light on, which is better for your eyes and your brain than the normal bright blue light they emanate.
2. Make sure you don’t have any other lights in your room that might disrupt your sleep. I, for one, sleep with an eye mask.
3. Stop taking naps! You will sleep better at night if you don’t take that three-hour nap in the middle of the day.
4. Don’t keep a clock in your room. Glancing at the time wakes you up and makes it hard to fall back asleep.
5. Use a leg pillow between your legs to avoid back pain, if that is what is keeping you awake.
6. Get a better pillow. It is very possible that you are sleeping poorly because your neck is in a weird position. Make sure you have one that is good for your neck while you sleep.
7. Get a mattress cover so that you don’t have dust making you sneeze and wake up in the middle of this night.
8. Your bed should be for sleep and sex. No phones and no computers!