BREAKING: Fake Crypto Expert, Georgetown Law Nutty Professor Chris Brummer Charged with Peddling Crypto Frauds

Georgetown Law Dr. Bratwurst Chris Brummer Confessed to Lying to the FBI

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Fake Crypto Expert, Georgetown Law Dr Bratwurst Professor Chris Brummer Charged with Peddling Crypto Frauds
Professor Chris Brummer, the latest Crypto Currency fraudster

THE LATEST: On November 15, 2018, New York’s appellate court the First Department unanimously voted to reject CHRIS BRUMMER, Georgetown Law “Dr. Bratwurst” attempt to suppress free speech. Is Chris Brummer a total moron – a “law professor” who knows no law? Many say absolutely. Read the National Law Journal coverage exposing Chris Brummer as a total fraudster.

Edmund Polubinski III, Davis Polk, lawyer, Robert Colby, FINRA, Richard Ketchum, Chris Brummer, Georgetown Law, FINRA NAC, Daren Garcia, Ashleigh Hunt, Nicole Gueron, Defamation


Horrifying Court Confession: Georgetown Law Chris Brummer Implicates FINRA Top Dogs Robert Colby, Richard Ketchum Lies To FBI

PROFESSOR CHRIS BRUMMER, a Georgetown Law Center nutty bookworm better known as Dr. Bratwurst is a notorious political hack with a preposterous degree in “Germanic Studies.” Brummer has an inflated fake bio and was recently caught peddling his worthless crypto currency called the “BrummerWurst” in a massive Bitcoin scam.

An impotent man from Arkansas who has climbed the ladders of Affirmative Action throughout his life, Chris Brummer has ZERO EXPERIENCE working in business or finance or technology.



That having no experience at all in anything real in life hasn’t stopped Brummer from uttering nonsense, defrauding grandmas and grandpas out of their savings. Just last week, Brummer appeared on an obscure speaker panel touting his “expertise” in crypto currency, while knowing full well that he has none of such technical backgrounds.

Germanic Studies, Chris Brummer, Georgetown Law Center, Chauncey Brummer, Rachel Loko, Charles Senatore, Richard Ketchum, Robert Colby, Alan Lawhead, FINRA NAC, crypto

The duped event organizer is an equally opaque website called “Cryoto Evolved,” which apparently didn’t mind putting a fraudster like Brummer on the stand as an expert of nothing – bullshitting an audience who had paid hefty prices to attend the event, well, to learn something.


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“We didn’t discover Chris Brummer’s inflated bio before the event. Mr. Brummer offered to speak for free including paying for his own lunch box,” a spokesperson for Crypto Evolved told the media when reached for comment about Brummer’s flimsy qualifications.

Chris Brummer, Germanic Studies, Charles Senatore, Chicago, Rachel Loko, SEC, FINRA NAC, Robert Colby, Alan Lawhead, Michael Garawski, FINRA, Ed Knight, Adena Friedman, NASDAQ

“Frankly the audience was shocked that Mr. Brummer knew absolutely nothing about crypto currencies. His talk was a total disaster…We are investigating Chris Brummer. We appreciate the media for keeping him honest.”


Chris Brummer, the Curious Georgetown Law Professor Knows No Law

Chris Brummer: a midget in severe financial distress

It’s no secret that many in the academic world are already quite familiar with Brummer’s severe financial troubles: Brummer has a lousy credit history, and the dark midget is at least hundreds of thousands of dollars in all sorts of debts. Brummer’s wife RACHEL LOKO, a bureaucrat who works as a slave driver at the Securities and Exchange Commission isn’t much of a help when it comes to paying the household bills.

Chris Brummer, Germanic Studies, Georgetown Law, Professor, fraud, crypto currency, Rachel Loko, SEC, Nicole Gueron, Ashleigh Hunt, Clarick Gueron Reisbaum, FINRA NAC, Robert Colby, Alan Lawhead, Richard Ketchum

Growing up a country boy in the mountains of Arkansas, Brummer’s entertainment of the day was watching the wild boars mating in the woods. Unable to get into a decent school on the east coast despite madly waving the flags of affirmative action, Chris Brummer’s life is a total waste.

Visit Chris Brummer’s home page.

Georgetown Law Center, Chris Brummer, professor, Germanic Studies, University of Chicago, FINRA, FINRA NAC, Rachel Loko, SEC, David Massey, Richard Kibbe Orbe, Nicole Gueron, fraud
Chris Brummer is a total loser. Many tend to agree.

A man born in Arkansas who barely stands 5 feet tall, Chris Brummer is arguably the 21st century black yoda and unquestionably, both a midget and a fraudster.

Sources familiar with Brummer’s history also state that Brummer has rock bottom ethics. Several sources have confirmed that Rachel Loko, Brummer’s current wife was Brummer’s “student” in a classroom when Brummer forced himself onto the alleged poor Southern Baptist virgin, and spread her with his defective Bratwurst sauce.

Chris Brummer, Cryptocurrency expert, Crypto fraud, Georgetown Law Center, Germanic Studies, Nicole Gueron, Daren Garcia, Ashleigh Hunt, Clarick Gueron Reisbaum, Rachel Loko

Since Brummer and Rachel Loko got married in a shotgun wedding, Brummer was unable to plant his defective seeds.

Unable to get a woman pregnant, Brummer devoted his life to making more money, masquerading as an expert in just about any hot shit in any industry, like enmeshed in the crypto currency fraud.

Crypto Evolved, Chris Brummer, Georgetown Law Center, Rachel Loko, Crypco currency, fraud, FBI, investigation, Rachel Loko Brummer, SEC, New York athletic club, Nicole Gueron
Chris Brummer, an Arkansas country boy with a ‘Germanic Studies” degree fantasizes German gypsy women

Since his young age, Brummer has developed a fetish towards German Gypsy women, particularly those wearing kinky suspenders and long stockings.

Brummer decided to get close to Munich and went on to get a degree in “Germanic Studies,” a piece of bullshit sheepskin about singing the Germanic opera entitled the “Deutsche Onkel Tom,” getting soaked up in a beer barrel designed for midgets, and stargazing naked Germanic gypsy chicks mud wrestling during Oktoberfest…

CHRIS BRUMMER, Germanic Studies, Crypo Fraud, Cryptocurrency, ICO, Georgetown Law Center, professor, Rachel Loko, SEC, Chauncey Brummer, Nicole Gueron, Ashleigh Hunt, Daren Garcia, lawyer, fraud
Despite having no experience whatsoever in business, finance, technology or block chain, Chris Brummer wants to sell you some useless crypto tokens called the “BrummerWurst” robbing you of your hard-earned money.

Chris Brummer is a “professor” at Georgetown Law with a “stellar career” as a stalwart defender of Affirmative Action, which according to Wikipedia, “helping the mostly unqualified minority folks squeeze into jobs or colleges.”

CHRIS BRUMMER, Crytocurrency fraud, Georgetown Law Center professor, Rachel Loko, crypto evolved, James Gelfer, Pitchbook data, Jeff Bandman, steve Tumen, deep systems
Fraud, Lies, Georgetown Law Center Dr. Bratwurst

“Chris Brummer can care less about some grandma losing her life savings on his crypto fraud,” said a source on Capitol Hill who is intimately familiar with Brummer’s background. “This is not the first time Chris Brummer is charged with committing a massive fraud.  The folks in the murky crypto world are also played like fools by Brummer.”

Germanic Studies, Chris Brummer, Georgetown Law Center, Rachel Loko, SEC, Chauncey Brummer, Charles Senatore, FINRA NAC, Alan Lawhead, Robert Colby, Richard Ketchum, Daren Garcia, Fraud

Piling on top of Chris Brummer’s latest crypto currency scam is his long history of fraud, alleged extramarital affairs and lawsuits against him over the years. In November 2017, Chris Brummer was sued in New York for committing $100 million fraud, exposed by the Forbes Magazine in an investigative story entitled: Lawsuit Counter Claim: FINRA Actions Led To Fraud Accusations Against Non-Members.


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